We sell them all over the world. They've been highly popular for years.
Our silver and enamel cufflinks.
As you can see, we can offer you a huge variety of designs and colours.
But have you ever wondered how enamel cufflinks are made? It's a very skilful process, carried out by a team of highly trained craftsmen and women, deep in the heart of England.
We work in what is called Vitreous Enamel, which is glass (yes, the same material you'll find in your windows). Its colours come from adding metallic oxides.
Firstly, the glass is ground to a very fine powder and mixed with distilled water. It is then applied to the silver cufflink face. As the silver is heated with a gas torch to 800 Degrees Celsius (nearly 1500 Degrees Fahrenheit), the water evaporates and the glass fuses to the metal.
This process has to be repeated many times on each cufflink face to build up the depth of enamel. Finally, the surface is ground with Carborundum (a compound of silicon and carbon). This is an abrasive mineral which smooths the enamel. Everything is then refired to obtain the bright smooth finish you will recognise on all our silver and enamel cufflinks.
We have to take great care with cleanliness, as the slightest impurity in the enamel, on the silver or during the mixing of colours will ruin the cufflinks.
If you look carefully at any of these pictures, you will see that no two colours are actually touching each others. All the colours are separated by silver ridges -- think of the areas between them as little 'troughs', and the various colours of enamel filling them up. And the enamellers have to be very careful to avoid a single grain of the wrong colour spilling into the adjoining trough.
You can see beautiful collection of our silver and enamel cufflinks here.